Body Contouring
by Daydream Bodyworks

Ultrasound Liposuction

Radio Frequency (RF) Cellulite Reduction and Skin Tightening

Cavitation and Radio Frequency
Non-surgical body contouring. Ultrasound Liposuction and Fat Reduction
The tissue heating and targeted depth of penetration achieved with the RF modality complements Ultrasound Liposuction by moving the emulsified fat more quickly through the body’s natural lymphatic system. RF mechanism of action also thermally heats dermal collagen with resultant collagen fibril contraction, tissue contraction thermally mediated tissue tightening, new collagen tissue formation, and remodeling. In a nutshell, the result is efficient fat elimination, shrinking of the subcutaneous fat layer, and cellulite reduction with tissue tightening and improved skin tone.
You can lose inches from the treated area after just one session, the majority of people lose at least 2 inches from the treated area. The system we use at Daydream Bodyworks for our non-surgical fat reduction treatments uses ultrasound, vacuum, and RF which target and destroy the fat cells in the target area. It also improves the elasticity of the skin. Fat is stored in special cells, which the low-frequency ultrasound that we use breaks up into small particles and then liquid. This is known as “cavitation”. This liquid is then easily removed from the body via the lymphatic and urinary systems.
Body sculpting/shaping
Fat burning
Improvement in cellulite
RF energy affects the deeper dermal layers, meaning that the result is a lifted contour, a decrease in deep wrinkles, and thicker and firmer skin. RF promotes new collagen protein which causes the original collagen protein to strengthen the skin.
You would not be able to receive this treatment if
Pregnancy, Liver disease, Heart conditions, Thrombosis, Epilepsy, Diabetes, Cancer, Pacemaker, High/Low blood pressure, Bruising in the area, Vascular veins & any surgery in the area to be treated